Discovery Logo

Discovery (OV-103)


Upgrades and Features

Construction Milestones

01/29/79 Contract Award
08/27/79 Start long lead fabrication of Crew Module
06/20/80 Start fabrication lower fuselage
11/10/80 Start structural assembly of aft-fuselage
12/08/80 Start initial system installation aft fuselage
03/02/81 Start fabrication/assembly of payload bay doors
10/19/81 Start detailed fabrication/assembly of body flap
10/26/81 Start initial system installation, crew module, Downey
01/04/82 Start initial system installation upper forward fuselage
03/16/82 Midfuselage on dock, Palmdale
03/30/82 Elevons on dock, Palmdale
04/30/82 Wings arrive at Palmdale from Grumman
04/30/82 Lower forward fuselage on dock, Palmdale
07/16/82 Upper forward fuselage on dock, Palmdale
08/05/82 Vertical stabilizer on dock, Palmdale
09/03/82 Start of Final Assembly
10/15/82 Body flap on dock, Palmdale
01/11/83 Aft fuselage on dock, Palmdale
02/25/83 Complete final assembly and closeout installation, Palmdale
02/28/83 Start initial subsystems test, power-on, Palmdale
05/13/83 Complete initial subsystems testing
07/26/83 Complete subsystems testing
08/12/83 Completed Final Acceptance
10/16/83 Rollout from Palmdale
11/05/83 Overland transport from Palmdale to Edwards
11/09/83 Delivery to Kennedy Space Center
06/02/84 Flight Readiness Firing
08/30/84 First Flight (41-D)

Discovery's Flights to date:

01. 41-D (08/30/84)
02. 51-A (11/08/84)
03. 51-C (01/24/85)
04. 51-D (04/12/85)
05. 51-G (06/17/85)
06. 51-I (08/27/85)
07. STS-26 (09/29/88)
08. STS-29 (03/13/89)
09. STS-33 (11/22/89)
10. STS-31 (04/24/90)
11. STS-41 (10/06/90)
12. STS-39 (4/28/91)
13. STS-48 (09/12/91)
14. STS-42 (01/22/92)
15. STS-53 (12/02/92)
16. STS-56 (04/08/93)
17. STS-51 (09/12/93)
18. STS-60 (02/03/94)
19. STS-64 (09/09/94)
20. STS-63 (02/03/95)
21. STS-70 (07/13/95)
22. STS-82 (02/11/97)

Discovery underwent a nine-month Orbiter Maintenance Down Period (OMDP) in Palmdale California. The vehicle was outfitted with a 5th set of cryogenic tanks and an external airlock to support missions to the international Space Station. (Reference KSC Shuttle Status 8/25/1995). Discovery departed Palmdale, CA, riding piggy-back on a modified Boeing 747 at 10:01am EDT 6/28/96 and arrived at KSC on 6/29/96. (Reference KSC Shuttle Status 7/01/1996).

23. STS-85 (8/7/97)
24. STS-91 (6/2/98)
25. STS-95 (10/29/98)
26. STS-96 (5/27/99)
27. STS-103 (12/19/1999)
28. STS-92 (10/11/2000)
29. STS-102 (3/8/2001)
30. STS-105 (8/10/2001)

In 2002, Discovery underwent an over two year Orbiter Maintenance Down Period that provided 99 upgrades and 88 special tests, including a number of changes to make it safer for flight. Each wing contains new sensors that are able to take 20,000 samples per second and detect micrometeorite or other impacts. There are 22 temperature sensors and 66 accelerometers. Discovery also has a new 50-foot inspection boom that can be used to check Discovery's underside for damage.

31. STS-114 (7/26/2005)
32. STS-121 (7/04/2006)
33. STS-116 (12/09/2006)
34. STS-120 (10/23/2007)
35. STS-124 (5/31/2008)
36. STS-119 (3/15/2009)
37. STS-128 (8/28/2009)
38. STS-131 (4/05/2010)
39. STS-133 (2/24/2011)

On April 17, 2012, Discovery was flown to Washington DC's Dulles International Airport atop NASA's Shuttle Carrier Aircraft. It was then towed into its new home inside the James S. McDonnell Space Hanger at the National Air and Space Museum's Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, Virginia. In a ceremony on April 19, 2012 it was formally transfered from NASA to the Smithsonian.

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Last Updated Monday August 8 6:16:52 EDT 2005 Jim Dumoulin (Redacted)